First Congregational Church UCC
at the First Congregational Church of Farmington
First Congregational Church
400 Main St., Farmington NH
Saturday, March 15th 4:30-6:00 pm
Adults $15 & Children under 10 $5
Corned Beef-Vegetables-Beverage
Breads-Homemade Dessert
Homemade Pies Available for Purchase
Handicap Parking available.
Sunday Mornings 10:00
Come, Share God’s Spirit
First Congregational Church, UCC is a caring, welcoming community of faith in Jesus Christ, bringing God's Love with people who do not know it and nourishing those who do through Word, music and fellowship.
Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00AM to 2:00PM
We are actively looking for a new Part-time Ordained minister to help us in perpetuating our church with a larger membership filled with people of all ages, with a community outreach in mind, and one who can help us relate the teachings of the Bible with our everyday lives. We are looking for someone willing to reach out to shut-ins, those hospitalized or just in need of someone to confide in. We need someone who will work with our committees and boards to help envision what will attract more young people to our church. Someone who would donate some of his/her time to be part of the choir (we really need a bass), to help with a newsletter, or be present at our events would be greatly appreciated. Please call our main phone above. We will contact you within 72 hours.
The Pastoral Search Committee